Any completion of a good initiative will bring back a sense of joy...Am feeling much happier today...thanks to some 200 associates in my office location-who overwhelmingly participated to come forward to contribute generously for the initiative, "Muskan". Yes, the silent celebration of Joy of Giving Week in my office location happened with no fanfare…no pompous…but, true for a noble cause.
Worst action could be of mine…every day morning, on reaching office, will peep into the huge, gift wrapped collection box to find how the day’s contribution has been…and as we reached the second day, curious calls came from all around in my extension number…”hey,will you extend the collection of the contribution till Monday….”…”Nopes”---I said, worried myself, further added,” hey, don’t worry, not extending the dates…but sure, you can always bring in your contribution and we can always drop the same with the NGO…”.
More worried when came Gandhi Jayanthi-it was a national holiday…and so, the final day,in the early hours of the morning session, peeped into the collection box and sighed…”oh…not enough…”and, as hours went by, I closed the activity…and, went to pick up the collection box…and there what I saw was small bundles and packs of clothes filling the box…now, I ran around to get myself assisted with couple of people to move the box into the car along with my colleague…and we drove to the Goonj, local collection center (http://www.goonj.org/) to hand over the clothes we have collected.
Worst action could be of mine…every day morning, on reaching office, will peep into the huge, gift wrapped collection box to find how the day’s contribution has been…and as we reached the second day, curious calls came from all around in my extension number…”hey,will you extend the collection of the contribution till Monday….”…”Nopes”---I said, worried myself, further added,” hey, don’t worry, not extending the dates…but sure, you can always bring in your contribution and we can always drop the same with the NGO…”.
More worried when came Gandhi Jayanthi-it was a national holiday…and so, the final day,in the early hours of the morning session, peeped into the collection box and sighed…”oh…not enough…”and, as hours went by, I closed the activity…and, went to pick up the collection box…and there what I saw was small bundles and packs of clothes filling the box…now, I ran around to get myself assisted with couple of people to move the box into the car along with my colleague…and we drove to the Goonj, local collection center (http://www.goonj.org/) to hand over the clothes we have collected.
The choice of Goonj was…out of the three most basic things in life for a human being, clothes become an all important part…whenever I am in Delhi during the winter, I find myself wearing as many as three-to-four clothes to protect myself from the winter…am blessed…but, why should the less privileged and the needy be punished…remembering these words….
A young man walked past a hungry desperate beggar and looked up and said, 'Oh God Why have you done nothing to help this man?'
God replied, ' I did - I made you...'

God replied, ' I did - I made you...'

So, if not we, then who??? Muskan was initiated to bring the smile in the face of the person in need in the society…Small contribution do make big wonders…and our small initiative was a collective contribution to the larger efforts of Goonj, an NGO based out of Delhi.
We, as a nation, happily celebrated the Joy of Giving week…!But,looking ahead,I also realize that a week’s effort is not enough to wipe out the needs of the less privileged,the deprived and the disadvantageous section in this World, rather, it should be a weekly effort throughout the year, by all privileged lots like me and even you, in this World!
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