Two months ago, decided to volunteer to be the coordinator of the CSR activity in my Office location. Instead of pondering much on my capability to juggle with multiple task, plunged myself into the task of coordinating for good cause-reason-the faith that good ideas can easily find life with good people around us.
And, here comes the second activity coordinated for my location-the first one, an awareness program for Child Rights for You(CRY).
Muskan(Smile) - Starting tomorrow, 30th Sep till 3rd Oct 2009, my 200 strong counterparts shall join my initiative to donate various things, which shall be handed over to Goonj (http://www.goonj.info/).
For the last couple of days, have been seeing campaigns on Roads, Television and Print. Yesterday night, when Dr.Prannoy Roy was discussing about the Joy of Giving week with the coordinators, what surprised me was that there is no single individual and its a nation wide effort to contribute to those in need.
Visiting the website of Joy of Giving (http://www.joyofgivingweek.org/), the below-mentioned lines from Dr.Robert Goddard inspired me to plan and act much fast-the result, Muskan in the next fifteen minutes in my location was rolled out.
The inspiring lines were, "Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant with the weak and the wrong. Sometime in your life you will have been all of these." -Dr.Robert Goddard
My earnest appeal to those who read my blog -Pls. participate/contribute/share something locally at your location -it can be during the Joy of Giving week or it can be anytime later also. Let us all come together to give what we have in abundance, for one day, let us have a World, where no one is left in this world, searching in need of the most basic thing for life-Food, Shelter, Clothes and Water.
Let's be more generous and contribute;
no one is left searching for the basic things for their life:
food, shelter, clothes and water.
Let's dream of a World-
where every individual born gets the basic thing,
and lead life with dignity and a smile:
Let's bring Muskan in the face of those in need...! Bhupesh Balakrishnan
Image Courtesy - Joy of Giving Website
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