You can't make a coffee with the same taste tomorrow, as you made it today. I challenge you. Ask the person to whom you serve, tomorrow. "Did the Coffee I prepared and have given you today, taste exactly the same like the one, I gave you yesterday? If the reply is "YES",then,either the Coffee is made in a machine or the person is lying. So, what's the reason behind it? Nothing. It's just like that. Reasons why we don't make big fuss about the same...our tongue can't measure the taste like an instrument, made to exactly measure and report the taste basis some parameters. It is the overall feeling, of enjoying the Coffee...The colour,mix and strength....depending on the mood swings during that particular moment. The day's first coffee we drink in the morning may taste differently in comparison to the one we may taste sometime before noon.
Life is the same. It can't produce the same results or bring in people or make events happen the same as it did happen once, when,we felt it was fabulous. It's just like that. The department of heaven have fewer staffs, but, huge huge population to manage, that, they have to keep looking for satisfying everyone...and in any production department, costs and number of people they could keep happy every day. So, if it was someone else chance to feel happy yesterday, it could be someone else turn to feel happy today, and, someone else opportunity to feel great with life tomorrow. My good God and Goddess, they are working overtime everyday, to keep everyone happy in this World, that include me and you.So, it just is like the taste of the Coffee.
Tendulkar's bat can't score a double ton in every match. And, so do Schumi,who can't keep continuously winning races in every circuit. And, so, is Fed.And,so can be Barack Obama. And, so, it can be you and me.
If the Coffee which is in our control can't be prepared to produce the same taste everyday, then, why talk about Life which is not in our control...
I feel, that, the pleasure of tasting a Coffee, with different taste everyday, along with the person I love, is like seeing rainbow in my life, everyday. Life will be boring and dull, if it’s the same...It has to give us the wonderful opportunity to enjoy different taste.
So, next time, if anyone feel the question arising in our minds..."why my life is not the same like "that day"?"...let's remember the Coffee made...It just has to be like that, to enjoy it. Life is just happening in front of our eyes. It is exactly like the aroma that we feel, as we go about tasting the Coffee. If we just drink the Coffee, without feeling the aroma and colour, then, there is no pleasure in drinking the Coffee.And,so is Life. If we miss to enjoy the small moments in life as we experience it, we are missing the aroma and colour in it. So, next time, you drink a cup of coffee...just enjoy it. Don't rush it. For it is not about just drinking a cup of coffee. It is all about living and enjoying your own life. Experience the moment like a cup of Coffee.
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