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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Live the moment. This was the mantra for all of us (fans) present during the “Jai Ho” Concert of A R Rahman, the first in Chennai after winning the Oscars. The greatness of this Live Concert – it happened in his hometown, Chennai, for the Chennaites[ Image Courtesy: Google]. I was one of the few thousand Rahman fan in Chennai to sway my hands up, for each and every beat of his music, yesterday night.
Little did I realize that when our Mozart plays his tunes, we all get into action. “Power of the music” or “Power of his music” –no confusion –“ Power of the Music from the Mozart of Madras”.
Infact, my earlier day(Saturday) winded off yesterday(Sunday) early morning for me(late work at my Office), which mean, had to sleep long to relax…whereas, I decided otherwise - wanted to make it to the concert for two reasons –For The Sakthi Foundation and Rahmanism.
I wanted to meet, understand, feel, observe, and realize what Rahmanism is all about. Rahman did exactly the same… Through his vivacious music, he connected all of us…irrespective of our religion, caste, creed, education, status quo, linguistic difference, we were there, swaying and hip hopping to our Mozarts tune.
Fabulous!Fantastic!Splendid performance!Astounding Music!Marvellous! Amazing! Beautiful! Breathtaking! Incredible!
I normally have the habit of observing the people…I love it…love to do it…and here, am, all myself, watching the genius working in front of me, was unbelievably, a fascinating experience. It humbled me, to see the man who was so humbly playing his keyboard with his fingers. His eye brows, his eyes, his face, slight body movements-the concentration-with so much dedication, on the spot, taught me what it is to be a genius. I will certainly not say that Rahman is a born genius. The way he worked his music, I felt this man should be a self-made genius. Yes!!! Observing him closely, understood, my Mozart of Madras is a really very hardworking person…!
He was humane. He displayed humbleness. He spoke in Tamil…to his audience…which showed his love for his people.
He took me ages back…and I noticed myself singing along with him his tracks, which I had listened 18 years back, right from his first movie, Roja…Thamizha Thamizha….nalai un nale!!! I wondered how I was able to recollect the lyrics! Rahman then, was a new find for the Tamil Film Industry. I, born in the 80’s, grew up with my Maestro Isaignani Illaiyaraja’s music for the first decade of my life…and then came Rahman…Titled, Issaipuyal(Music Tornado in Tamil),he changed the way music was played, married Music with Technology in India. I still remember, as an inquisitive kid(yes-not a whizkid),watched with surprise, a junior girl perform in our school in her keyboard, the music for the song, Chinna Chinna Assai(Chhoti si aasha) from his movie,Roja, with her little fingers! Rahman has arrived to the music world stage with a big bang!
And, throughout the 90’s, as I grew up, started growing up, listening to Rahman’s music. The remarkable thing that happened was his journey to capture the ears and stir the soul of every Indian-this happened from his first movie, Roja and then, Bombay. He succeeded. It was a big success for someone from South; for a Tamil speaking Indian (believe me, it still exists) to break the minds of so many Hindi speaking Indians, and others, living with diversified cultures, speaking different languages. His music united everyone. I would say, if you ask me-the name of one person, connecting India, post-Independence, after Cricket, it certainly and for sure is A R Rahman.
When, one more great singer, Chitra mam arrived on stage to sing…it was a surprise. Singing Jiya jale, mesmerized, it took time for me to realize and tell my colleague, hey, shez singing the Telugu version!!! But, we listened in rapt attention!!! My friend, listen to me, I realized in front of my eyes - Music has no boundaries!
If Rashid Ali's Kabhi Kabhi Aditi made all of us go wild, then, Chaiyya Chaiyya from Dil Se took us on top of the train.
Mustafa Mustafa carried me back to my school days, and it was great fun singing along with Rahman in front of him, seeing him…with hands flying up and down, sidewards…Believe me -he makes you become a school kid.
Jai Ho connected every one there with Rahman…It showed the spirit of India. Vande Mataram brought India in front of our eyes. Sivamani-watching him for the second time, is a class apart!!!He is vibrant, full of energy!!!
Singers were charming, pretty and sang with their soul! If Neeti Mohan's Maiyya Maiyya from Guru was outstanding(the whisper around was, she could have done the song in the film too),then, Benny and BlaaZe made us sing and dance for Taxi Taxi. Uyire from Bombay was a class from Hariharan. Thrilling was the way, Rahman took us from Azeem-O-Shaan Shahenshah to Veerapandi Kottayile…and I remember, started jumping with joy!!! If Khwaja Mere Khwaja from Jodha Akbar made me appreciate Sufi, was equally Surprised to see Rahman wear the prayer cap, sit and play the harmonium…!
Humma Humma electrified the audience. Swing, dance, jump, wave, and rock…all good things has to come to a beautiful end…and so, it ended well!
Proceedings from Jai Ho concert was presented to both, The Shakti Foundation and Rahman Foundation, and my eyes became full of moist…for this concert is for a noble cause...reaching out medical facilities for the underprivileged!
Singers were charming, pretty and sang with their soul! If Neeti Mohan's Maiyya Maiyya from Guru was outstanding(the whisper around was, she could have done the song in the film too),then, Benny and BlaaZe made us sing and dance for Taxi Taxi. Uyire from Bombay was a class from Hariharan. Thrilling was the way, Rahman took us from Azeem-O-Shaan Shahenshah to Veerapandi Kottayile…and I remember, started jumping with joy!!! If Khwaja Mere Khwaja from Jodha Akbar made me appreciate Sufi, was equally Surprised to see Rahman wear the prayer cap, sit and play the harmonium…!
Humma Humma electrified the audience. Swing, dance, jump, wave, and rock…all good things has to come to a beautiful end…and so, it ended well!
Proceedings from Jai Ho concert was presented to both, The Shakti Foundation and Rahman Foundation, and my eyes became full of moist…for this concert is for a noble cause...reaching out medical facilities for the underprivileged!
Recalling the words of William Penn,"I expect to pass through life but once.If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do for any fellow being, let me do it now...as I shall not pass this way again."
Certainly, it was the best of the best Sunday outing for me in Chennai, wrapping up the long long day with a dinner(early breakfast) in Mathsya, at 2 AM,and finally retiring back to my nest in Adayar forest!
Rahman said before the start of the concert,” If music makes you think, moves you to action; then I think the music is working.” Rahman anna, it was truly splendid!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The Joy of Giving!

Any completion of a good initiative will bring back a sense of joy...Am feeling much happier today...thanks to some 200 associates in my office location-who overwhelmingly participated to come forward to contribute generously for the initiative, "Muskan". Yes, the silent celebration of Joy of Giving Week in my office location happened with no fanfare…no pompous…but, true for a noble cause.
Worst action could be of mine…every day morning, on reaching office, will peep into the huge, gift wrapped collection box to find how the day’s contribution has been…and as we reached the second day, curious calls came from all around in my extension number…”hey,will you extend the collection of the contribution till Monday….”…”Nopes”---I said, worried myself, further added,” hey, don’t worry, not extending the dates…but sure, you can always bring in your contribution and we can always drop the same with the NGO…”.
More worried when came Gandhi Jayanthi-it was a national holiday…and so, the final day,in the early hours of the morning session, peeped into the collection box and sighed…”oh…not enough…”and, as hours went by, I closed the activity…and, went to pick up the collection box…and there what I saw was small bundles and packs of clothes filling the box…now, I ran around to get myself assisted with couple of people to move the box into the car along with my colleague…and we drove to the Goonj, local collection center (http://www.goonj.org/) to hand over the clothes we have collected.
Worst action could be of mine…every day morning, on reaching office, will peep into the huge, gift wrapped collection box to find how the day’s contribution has been…and as we reached the second day, curious calls came from all around in my extension number…”hey,will you extend the collection of the contribution till Monday….”…”Nopes”---I said, worried myself, further added,” hey, don’t worry, not extending the dates…but sure, you can always bring in your contribution and we can always drop the same with the NGO…”.
More worried when came Gandhi Jayanthi-it was a national holiday…and so, the final day,in the early hours of the morning session, peeped into the collection box and sighed…”oh…not enough…”and, as hours went by, I closed the activity…and, went to pick up the collection box…and there what I saw was small bundles and packs of clothes filling the box…now, I ran around to get myself assisted with couple of people to move the box into the car along with my colleague…and we drove to the Goonj, local collection center (http://www.goonj.org/) to hand over the clothes we have collected.
The choice of Goonj was…out of the three most basic things in life for a human being, clothes become an all important part…whenever I am in Delhi during the winter, I find myself wearing as many as three-to-four clothes to protect myself from the winter…am blessed…but, why should the less privileged and the needy be punished…remembering these words….
A young man walked past a hungry desperate beggar and looked up and said, 'Oh God Why have you done nothing to help this man?'
God replied, ' I did - I made you...'

God replied, ' I did - I made you...'

So, if not we, then who??? Muskan was initiated to bring the smile in the face of the person in need in the society…Small contribution do make big wonders…and our small initiative was a collective contribution to the larger efforts of Goonj, an NGO based out of Delhi.
We, as a nation, happily celebrated the Joy of Giving week…!But,looking ahead,I also realize that a week’s effort is not enough to wipe out the needs of the less privileged,the deprived and the disadvantageous section in this World, rather, it should be a weekly effort throughout the year, by all privileged lots like me and even you, in this World!
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