March is the financial closing year for all the Industries. It has been a challenging year for all of us in the Industry. And, no less, will be the challenges, that shall be confronted by all of us, in this coming financial year. The fight to retain the present market shares and achieve growth simultaneously in a market, which is witnessing a contraction in consumer demand, is going to be much bigger challenge. World over, Government’s action of pumping more money into the market to turn them vibrant is not changing the course of the market.
The consumer’s confidence is at its lowest ebb at this point of time.
At home, the Indians saw the big fight between IPL organizers and the Government against the decision not to provide security. As the Hindu editorial “Over the top” (March 25) has pointed out,"... even children knew that the general election was scheduled for April and May. Surely, this could not have missed the attention of the IPL organizers. But their business acumen and the weakness of our people for cricket have made them shift the tournament out of our country. "It was surprising to note that hasty statements were made in the media by many including few opposition parties. As any ruling government would have done, the UPA’s decision to concentrate on the elections was a wise call.
Also, the public bashing of certain community by the fascist BJP through young Varun Gandhi only revealed one of the many faces of the BJP, which continue to disturb the communal harmony in this nation.The unfortunate part was that someone from the Nehru family was used as the pawn.
The month also saw the final launch preparations for the nano car in the Indian market.The mood is high, especially among each and every member in the Tata Group, and among everyone across the Industries. The smart work by my colleagues in the Nano marketing team is surely going to make "nano" carve out its own market share in its segment.
Finally the good piece is that the Indian cricket team is in the verge of winning the series in New Zealand after some 4 decades.
Lets hope the new financial year revives the World economy sooner.
March 2009 Animation Courtesy - My Sister!