Sunday, March 29, 2009

Soil 2045

2045 AD. A dream comes true as I was waiting for my turn to get down from the Skybus. I saw around me the people with whom I have traveled along with from my place. They looked all different-their dressings, their discussions, the dialect they spoke, and the things they were carrying. Forty years back and now, the whole world looked different. I could not recognize anyone standing along with me. At sixty five, comparing myself with those standing near me, could notice that they all are living a healthy life style, compared to me, myself a pale shadow of my youthfulness now.

The discussion they were having all revolved around their nation’s vibrant economy, which is bullish, the laurels through bigger achievements in various fields like industrial growth, agricultural production, sports, arts & literature, healthy and positive lives lived by them, with a government by them, for them, giving good governance. They were proud of their nation’s achievement- an achievement without invading any other nation, an achievement with piousness for the betterment of their nation and the world, promoting peace.

These people all stayed in my motherland to sweat & toil, when I moved away for better prospects and wealthy lifestyle. They survived and have achieved in my own motherland against all odds, when I set my family in an alien land. Though I did achieve much in my career, lived a healthy and wealthy lifestyle, it took after forty years for me to feel that I am missing something. I decided to search for what I am missing in my life. And, the search brought me here back to my motherland, my place. Now, am here standing along with my own people in this skybus. Forty years back, we used to wait for the 8’0 clock bus to reach my Village. Today, every 15 minutes, there is a skybus flying from the city to my village. A journey that used to take 2 hours is now taking just 15 minutes. Indians in India have done it. I feel proud but unable to take privilege and feel the pride since something is missing.

The door has opened. And, I stepped out of the skybus, hurried outside the station, into my village along with my people. As soon as I stepped out, I knew I have found the missing thing in my life. I felt the breeze- the air with which I grew up forty years back. I ran inside the agricultural field nearby, and bent down to grab a handful of them-and brought it near my face-and felt it with my skin. I knew have got what I was missing in my life. Tears trickled down my face. I am now with my Soil.

(When I wrote this as a small piece of story, I was traveling somewhere into the hinterland of Andhra Pradesh in June 2008 along with a fellow Indian, who had come back from the US on a short trip, from Philadelphia. I understood that he was here to see his Mother and is about to return back to the US in a week's time. We had discussions on wide range of topics, speaking about the differences between both the nations-and as we were crossing Villages, i got inspired to write this Story of a Man, who had left for the West, after Forty Years, return back to his homeland, with all achievements, but, realizing how much he missed his Soil)

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Ray Of Hope ...

Over the past few months, economic recession and growing uncertainties are creating a depressing atmosphere. It's quite understandable. Business and people are affected globally. However, negative thoughts and discussions will only be adding fuel to it. What we need at this time is - Hope.

One of greatest gifts to mankind is 'hope'. With it, all things are possible. Without it, nothing is possible.

Hope is a decision or choice we make. We decide to trust life. The difference between living with hope and living in fear is like the difference between the life of a hero and the life of a coward. Those who live in fear, refuse to take risks, and wind up settling for a life of mediocrity. But those who live with hope, boldly go where their dreams take them, and experience a life of adventure. Marion Bradley makes a lot of sense when she writes, "It has never been, and never will be, easy work! But the road that is built in hope is more pleasant to the traveler than the road built in despair, even though they both lead to the same destination."

Life is synonymous with change. So, any pain or fear that I am experiencing will end, which is a cause to be hopeful. JF Kennedy has said ~ "Every area of trouble gives out a ray of hope, and the one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable."
Hope sustains us. It provides us with the strength to look for solutions and do whatever is possible or accept what cannot be changed. It helps us to weather the storm in a sea of uncertainty, and its optimism acts as a self-fulfilling prophecy, washing away problems. Hope is the fuel for action. When we are filled with hope we have a reason to act.

He / she who does not hope to win has already lost. So don't hope your problems grow smaller; hope 'you' grow bigger. Don't hope to receive much more than you already have, but hope to be much more grateful for what you now have.

I leave you with Thomas Fuller's powerful words ~ "Great hopes make great men. You are as great as your hopes, so keep the flames burning, and feed the fire with more and bigger dreams.

Courtesy - Anonymous